Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 07:28:59 -0500 From: Kachergis Subject: Chatham County Democratic Party Precinct Meetings For a county that takes its politics seriously.  The Chatham County  Democratic Party invites all registered Democrats to participate in  the first rites of Spring — annual Chatham County Democratic Party  precinct meetings!  LearnContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 11:08:00 -0400 From: Shakori Hills Subject: Hopes and Dreams: Growing Up at Shakori Hills Silk Hope, NC – There is something special about that first live music experience. As a kid, seeing that music is not just something that happens, but something that takes time,Continue Reading

Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 15:19:56 -0400 From: Gene Subject: Chatham Chatlist has gone over 3,000 members Thanks to everyone! I am happy to report that after clearing out bounced email addresses last week, we have over 3,000 members on the Chatlist. Gene Galin Chatlist moderatorContinue Reading

Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 23:12:58 -0400 From: Mark Stinson Subject: Just tinkering I’m always tinkering on something. If I don’t stay busy then I pay more attention to how bad I hurt instead of staying busy while  ignoring how bad I hurt. Anyway I am at a point IContinue Reading