Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 07:24:35 -0400 From: Karen E Tiede Subject: doggie doctoring I regularly mull on the costs associated with keeping my pack healthy; feeding six furry heads means there’s a semi-continual opportunity to spend money on something.  Over a number of years now, they have absorbed $400-$450Continue Reading

Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:05:17 -0400 From: Elliot Cramer Subject: re Veterinary medicine vs. Human medicine I don’t like high vet fees and my dogs do fine without lab tests, Xrays, MRI’s, high-end surgeries, etc. Perhaps I am shortening their lives by six months, but I doubt it. IContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 08:46:34 -0700 (PDT) From: stephanie talbott Subject: Veterinary medicine vs. Human medicine My take on the frequency of veterinary vs. human physical exams;  I pretty much know when my body is acting out of sorts, or hurts, and I have a voice to tell someoneContinue Reading

Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 09:12:14 -0400 From: Elliot Cramer Subject: Low Cost Veterinary Care July 21, July 31, August 1 Your friends at Pittsboro Animal Hospital advertises low cost veterinary days.  What they don’t say is that a rabies shot or other vaccinations require a $38  exam.  That’s $48Continue Reading

Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 12:46:24 EDT From: Tammy Subject: Please Drive with Caution… During this time of the year..many new fawns are beginning to follow their Mama’s out and about.  So, please….when driving, drive cautiously and if  a deer crosses the road in front of you..PLEASE be cautious evenContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 11:09:20 -0400 From: Al Cooke Subject: Fox Regarding the fox in Fearrington Village.  I would suggest that you are observing normal predictable behavior of one of the many creatures with whom we share our world. First, the legals…  In North Carolina, fox is a gameContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 09:15:52 -0400 (EDT) From: Darryl Wally Subject: Re: Chatham Chatlist #3164 3. Deer Fence Installation by: Matthew Arnsberger Another approach is to just use standard 4’high fencing and run a double ring with rings about 4′-5′ apart. Leave an opening in outer fence. Deer jump firstContinue Reading