Delays on construction for new Disney Asteria community coming to Chatham

PITTSBORO, N.C. (WNCN) — After nearly a year since Disney announced plans to build a residential and entertainment club community in Chatham County, no ground has been broken to begin construction. However, anticipation and anxiety continue to build surrounding the project Story LINK From: GGalin Sent: Monday, October 21, 2024Continue Reading

Chatham Winter Weather Survival Drive Program Update

The Chatham Winter Weather Survival Drive Program (WWSD) is entering the fourth week of collecting winter outerwear, blankets and sleeping bags for our most vulnerable. We have received many new items, particularly for children. Many coats have already been delivered to Chatham County Schools and distributed to children through socialContinue Reading

Don’t mess with people’s signs

It’s true that it’s illegal to steal campaign signs. It’s also true that a former Democratic Party chair was arrested for stealing Republican campaign signs. What is not true is that the offender was not from Mecklenburg County but Moore County. Bottom line: don’t mess with people’s signs. Now goContinue Reading

You heard about it. Now you can take a look at it

One of our Chatham Chatlist members, Jeff Philips mentions the monthly “Wake Up Wednesday” breakfast event that take place at the Carolina Brewery in Pittsboro. I recorded a livestream video of the October Wake Up Wednesday event and you can take a look at the 30 second elevator pitches attendeesContinue Reading