Understanding the Sheriff’s Budget

Understanding the Sheriff’s Budget

In response to Ron Snyder and Carol Phillips’ email about the Sheriff’s budget. It’s obvious neither of you fully understand the way budgets work. I have stated many times that I will fill the current vacancies. If the position is vacant ( currently it’s more than 50) that position is fully funded already. The need to seek money for those positions is not needed. These positions were funded in the 22/23 budget. That means the money is already there to be spent. As Ronnie stated I haven’t held a senior management position, it doesn’t take that experience to know how to treat your staff and how to be an effective leader. There is an authoritarian there now, it’s time to put someone there that the staff and public respect and in turn you deserve a Sheriff that appreciates you. How does it look that a Sheriff refuses to allow his staff to enforce the law because of the location of the crime or maybe a possible contribution to his campaign? I’ve never said I was perfect, I said I will perform the duty of my office to the best of my ability. I WILL be a Sheriff that works every year I’m in office, not just around election times. Carol stated she is even willing to vote for someone that is leaving if he is re-elected, I say this: Mike still hasn’t stated he was staying, his statement said he hasn’t accepted a job with the State.  Further more, wouldn’t you think any drug enforcement is better than none, that’s what you’re getting now. Tax dollars being wasted by joy rides on the lake, 5th vehicle in 5.5 years and 5.5 million dollar shelter that is only 20-30% full. I see all of the things wrong, even without the experience Ronnie says I should have. I guess it’s my keen eyesight, most werewolves have very good senses.  Remember, we will make crime illegal again on November 8th, go vote Globuschutz for Sheriff.

Marcus Globuschutz

From: Marcus Globuschutz <globuschutzforsheriff@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 05:17:09 PM EDT
Subject: Understanding the Sheriff’s Budget