I spoke with the current sheriff, Mike Roberson, at the Street Fair on Saturday

I spoke with the current sheriff, Mike Roberson, at the Street Fair on Saturday.  He said that what Bill Crawford  posted was not true and that he had asked Crawford, who is vice-chair of the Chatham Republican Party, where he had heard this rumor, Crawford reported it was from an anonymous source.   So please don’t make your vote on unsubstantiated anonymous rumors by officers of the opposite political party.  The following is his statement on his Facebook page:

“I have been made aware of a fear-inducing rumor in circulation alleging that I have been offered a “lucrative, state-level position” beginning in Spring 2023. As with most rumors being propagated by misinformants during election season, this one is also: FALSE.

I am both saddened and flattered that the “news” of my potential exit from office frightened so many concerned citizens. I want to reassure you that I am here to stay— but that can only be true if you vote for me by November 8th! I need YOUR vote to remain in office for the next term.
As YOUR Sheriff, I am committed to fulfilling the duties of my office with compassion, integrity, and professionalism. This has been the case since I first stepped into the role in 2016; this will continue to be the case throughout the upcoming term.

I have addressed a number of these false rumors in person, by phone, and in interviews over the last year… My advice to voters remains the same: The facts are readily available for anyone who chooses to search for them. Consider the source. Evaluate each claim thoroughly. Vote wisely. Only YOU can select the most qualified candidates to represent you and our shared community!

From: Sheila Beaudry
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 11:02:22 AM EDT
Subject: Sheriff election