NC statute GS.136-32 allows campaign signs from 30 days before the beginning of ‘one-stop’ voting until 10 days after the election

NC statute GS.136-32 allows campaign signs from 30 days before the beginning of ‘one-stop’ voting until 10 days after the election

Election season means campaign signs are visible across the county. Many people do not like them, but they are a method for candidates to get their names in front of the voters.

A reminder to all, whether Democrat or Republican – North Carolina statute GS.136-32 allows campaign signs from 30 days before the beginning of ‘one-stop’ voting until 10 days after the election, by which date they must be removed.

A fact of life is that campaign signs are stolen or destroyed.

It is a Class 3 misdemeanor for a person to steal, deface, vandalize, or unlawfully remove a political sign that is lawfully placed.

Many signs now have a camera watching over them. The Republican Party will support prosecution of those who damage or destroy campaign signs, regardless of party affiliation.

From: Chatham NC GOP
Sent: Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 08:27:25 AM EDT
Subject: Campaign Signs