Anyone else having issues mail delivery or picking up mail put in the mailbox from Moncure PO?

Anyone else having issues mail delivery or picking up mail put in the mailbox from Moncure PO?

Is anyone else having issues with delivery of mail or picking up mail put in the mailbox from Moncure PO?

Yep! So many issues.

They delivered a package with a hand written note on the package, in red ink, that  said I owed them money. I knew I didn’t so I took it to another post office and weighed it and sure enough I didn’t owe them anything. Important letters – with government & bank return addresses – are delivered opened all the time. Stuff that I know was sent does not arrive.

Then there’s the little note they put in the mailbox just before Christmas, telling me how much they enjoyed being my mail carrier.

From: Jack Dancer
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 05:59:54 PM EDT
Subject: Moncure Post Office