The board of Main Street Pittsboro typically meets the first Wednesday of every month. These days we meet on Zoom starting at 6pm. Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 5th.

Guests wishing to speak publicly must email the president at admin_at_mainstreetpittsboro_dot_org to request a link to the meeting and to speak publicly within the first 10 minutes of the meeting.
Learn more about Main Street Pittsboro at our website:
*Main Street Pittsboro <> *
Committed to downtown revitalization within the context of historic preservation
P.O. Box 1517 • Pittsboro, NC 27312
Follow us on Facebook <> *
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Pittsboro is a designated North Carolina Main Street community. Main Street Pittsboro, in collaboration with the N.C Department of Commerce Main Street & Rural Planning Center, is charged with the administration and coordination of the Main Street program at the local level.
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2021 11:47:31 -0400
From: Main Street Pittsboro <>
Subject: Main Street Pittsboro Meeting notice