Recently there has been a lot of chatter, here and elsewhere, about the desire, some would say need, to reopen schools and put all the kids back in the centralized classrooms. Why now? What’s changed? Certainly not the landscape around the risks of getting infected with SARS-CoV2. Teachers are, maybe, just starting to get vaccinated and that means it will be at least six to eight weeks before the bulk of them are immune. It will be a lot longer before we even begin to vaccinate children, if we ever do, because as some claim “they don’t get the disease from it”, though there is question about it and the symptom presentation may be different. They can still give it to the teachers, who in addition to getting it themselves can take it home to their families. So again, what has changed? Seems to me the only real change is a political one and that is a exceedingly poor reason to proclaim that schools are suddenly safe again.

The second question we should be asking is why are schools a government function to begin with? Why should it be the taxpayers responsibility and not yours to fund but to provide for your child’s education. What gives you the right to foist this responsibility upon everyone else? Let’s stop ignoring the elephant in the room here and acknowledge the fact that for many the school system is mostly a publicly funded daycare system. Once again, I ask why should providing daycare for your child be my responsibility. If you can’t afford or have time to see to the education of your children then perhaps you should’ve thought twice about having them. Ms. Henry is right, the county should not only be issuing refunds but should stop demanding that we pay them for this function. Parents need to start taking responsibility and avail themselves of options, which include home school, private school, online academies, community pods, tutoring groups, etc, but we need to get govt out of the school business.
As a side benefit, getting your kids out of government schools will get them away from the racist BLM based curriculum being pushed by the National Education Association and the prolific Marxist indoctrination.
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 15:29:52 +0000
From: chathampatriot
Subject: re: Failures of our CCS School Board