Local Propane recommendation

We’ve used Hunter Oil & Propane, out of Sanford, for almost 11 years now. They buried a tank when our house was built so they’re the only propane delivery company we’ve ever delt with. Deliveries are automatic and we’ve never run out. They also offer a payment plan where you pay the same amount, each month, for 10 months out of the year. After the 10 month cycle, you settle up any debt on your account or they refund any overage. As with all propane companies, they don’t have the best reviews but most bad ones seem to be from people who are calling for single fills and not getting it fast enough or people who get mad that they won’t deliver when they haven’t paid for their previous delivery. I would assume regular customers who pay in full or are on their payment plan take priority but that’s just a guess. I’ve shopped around over the years, just to be sure we’re getting a fair price, and overall, I feel Hunter is our best option.


Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 14:31:34 +0000
From: Mike K
Subject: Local Propane

1 Comment

  1. Euliss Propane out of Liberty is the best. Bar none.

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