Early College application deadline is February 26th

Early College application deadline is February 26th

Hey, Chatlisters-

The Chatham School of Science and Engineering (Chatham County’s Early College) is still accepting applications for our incoming 1st year cohort. If your student will be a rising freshman for fall, they’re eligible to apply!

Our students enjoy small class sizes, dedicated teachers, project-based learning, and will complete both a full high school degree AND the first 2 years of college in their 4-5 years at CSSE, for free!

If your student is motivated and excited about learning, please encourage them to talk to their middle school counselor right away about the Early College, or check out the website at chatham.k12.nc.us/Domain/1813.

Applications can be found at the link, and don’t forget: all materials must be in by February 26th.

Go Octopi!!

*Fae Grace Goodman *
Early College Liaison, Chatham School of Science and Engineering
Instructor, Anthropology
Central Carolina Community College

Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 16:15:12 -0500
From: Fae Grace Goodman <fgood043@cccc.edu>
Subject: Early College application deadline is February 26th!