Well, yet another Fedex delivery confirmation email, that’s not in line with reality, has reached my inbox. And, yet again, for a Chewy.com shipment. So, I again emailed Chewy in response, as they invite us to do, to let them know, again, what’s happened. One thing I am sure toContinue Reading

Traffic tickets and experience

I just wanted to chime in on this experience, as I don’t’ know if it is an available option in this area. I had a speeding ticket in a different county years ago and I was given a court date, etc., and the requisite mailbox stuffing of attorney offerings. IContinue Reading

If this is your first traffic ticket in three years, you can ask for a Prayer for Judgement. You don’t need a lawyer. Prayer for Judgements are like traffic court probation: fee and point free, but if you get another ticket within three years, you’ll have to face charges/fees/points forContinue Reading

Traffic ticket response

I received so many great responses for my traffic ticket problem from chatlist members.  Thought I’d share some of Them.  In general most of the men said to go to court myself and enter a Prayer for Judgement and save money.  Most of the women recommended lawyers.  itraffic.law-  online serviceSparrowContinue Reading