Best method to dealing with pesky telemarketers?

Best method to dealing with pesky telemarketers?

>I am sure everyone is tired of phone solicitations, but there are also scam artists out there.  has anyone had the experience of a phone call from Amazon Prime saying that $200 was charged to my Amazon Prime (which i do not have) and if >i want to cancel it to talk to a representative ??  Just wondering.  she had my name, address, e-mail, etc., and wanted to send me a form to fill out if i wanted to cancel, but i had to have my computer on for her to do that… Sounds >suspicious to me.  Anyone else?  Then there are those calls — last chance — to renew my warranty insurance on my car… that one is easy to get rid of, so far i have had dozens of last chances to renew my warranty  There is always the >one to offer me life insurance, and they need to ask only one question to see if I am qualified.  When they do ask me how old I am, I tell them I am 103 years old and they hang up.

Simple, they want your credit card, or debit card # , supposedly to give you a refund  –  their calls will increase in anger and urgency, tell you your money will be lost, tell you they are going to keep charging you, tell you they have contacted a collection firm on you, collections, police, release photos, etc..

Everyone one of these is bull – they will keep calling —   Best method I’ve found is,,, wait till you get a person on the phone –  when they start talking, tell them hold on a moment, TAKE your sweet time too – I leave them hanging on for at least 10 minutes, but make noise so they can hear me in the background….I keep saying, I’ll be right there, as I warm up my coffee…

Then say you are turning on a recording machine, as you record all conversations coming into your home – ( I add the “its for quality assurance purposes – just to mess with them really).

They will reply saying you cannot record, its illegal—, like what they are doing is not..

I usually reply, ok, call law enforcement then..

After that they always hang up, and many times remove your number because they don’t’ want to waste time with you again – you just ate 15 to 20 minutes of their time, and they are getting paid to scam people, and don’t want to waste another 20 min on you.

It works well for calls originated inside the U.S., but not outside as jurisdiction issues prevail.,


  1. FFS. If you don’t know the number… don’t answer nor listen to a VM. Block the number. It’s not rocket science.

  2. I think I agree with T A. I never pick up the phone if I’m not familiar with the number. I sometimes just look up the numbers on Google or some complaint boards like to see if people have reported those numbers, and then just block them. It works well for me. Almost never get any unwanted calls now.

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