Businesses in downtown Pittsboro have had a rough go of it lately. Please make locally-owned and independent restaurants, shops, and bars a priority when making your purchasing decisions.

These unique shops are where you’ll find a reflection of our hometown culture. Neighbors are behind the counters working with pride and a vast knowledge of their inventory and offerings. These businesses make donations to your non-profits and kids sports teams. They often know your name, your spouse’s favorite color, beverage, and dietary restrictions. Come downtown and #buylocal
Main Street Pittsboro
Committed to down town revitalization within the context of historic preservation
P.O. Box 1517 • Pittsboro, NC 27312
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:21:34 -0500
From: Main Street Pittsboro <>
Subject: Downtown Pittsboro is Open and Welcomes You