Inform on and Denounce COVID Violators : Kudos, Chatham Witness

Indeed too many have died.  Rules need reiterated:

o  Only wearing  masks if required is negligent.  Don’t take them off
o  Mask must be worn correctly and hands not touch it
o  No beards
o  Do not breach 6 feet distance
o  Dr. Fauci: “absolute compulsive hand-washing”
o  Chatham Health Dept: “don’t shake hands, do elbow bumps, or give hugs”
o  Cancel holidays
o  Avoid contact with non-household members (e.g. kids at college)

Like Chatham Witness, I follow ALL guidelines.  I too am compelled to nform on and denounce COVID Violators:

o  PTA Thrift Shop:  One day I was ordered to follow arrows and thereby breach 6 feet.  I cited CDC guidelines but staff shouted down my objections.  Same staff an hour later insisted I not follow the lines.
o  Habitat for Humanity: more than once I’ve seen an employee re-enter the store with mask down.
o  ABC Liquor Store: I observed an employee touch their mask but not then vigorously sanitize before bagging a bottle.

While I adore our Commissioners (& hate to mention it), at recent meetings they were maskless in the indoor space where we humble petitioners were dutifully masked.  But in their defense they CAN’T be Spreaders – Commissioner Crawford is on the Board of Health.

I request Dr. Crawford and our Health Czars to utilize ALL resources to slow the spread:  phone GPS locations, cameras, drones, informants, “Health Scoring”.  And the police.

Similar to China’s Social Scoring, Health scoring computes a citizen’s Virus risk score.  As examples, checking out “1984” or “Anthem” from the Library is suspicious – score goes up.  Conversely reading The Atlantic lowers it.  A Trump sign – way up.  Harris/Biden – down.

Higher score means enhanced surveillance. Transgressions mean fines and forced household lockdowns.  Incarceration for repeat offenders.

Join Chatham Witness and me (“team Stasi”) – we’ll beat this virus – TOGETHER!

Team Stasi motto:  “I inform on you. You inform on me.”

Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2020 21:37:59 -0500
From: Douglas Sedlak
Subject: Inform on and Denounce COVID Violators : Kudos, Chatham Witness