*When Needed Most, Local Arts Organizations Receive *
*Grassroots Arts Grants*
At a time when budgets are tight and things seem dim, grants are needed more than ever. The Chatham Arts Council, in partnership with the North Carolina Arts Council*,* is excited to announce nine winners of this year’s Grassroots Arts Grants, a program aimed to help organizations do amazing work through the arts.

The grant will help arts organizations with operational support and the hiring of local artists to implement arts programming. This year’s award recipients are: *Abundance NC* <https://abundancenc.org/>*, **Chatham Artists Guild* <https://chathamartistsguild.org/>*, **Chatham County Partnership for Children* <http://chathamkids.org/>*, **Jordan-Matthews Arts Foundation* <https://www.jmarts.org/>*, **Main Street Pittsboro* <https://mainstreetpittsboro.org/>*,* *NC Arts in Action* <https://www.ncartsinaction.org/>*, **NC Arts Incubator* <https://www.ncartsincubator.com/>*, **Shakori Hills Community Arts Center* <https://shakorihills.org/>*, *and *StreetSigns* <https://www.piedmontperformancefactory.org/>*.*
We hope you’ll join us in congratulating these deserving organizations. To learn more, visit www.ChathamArtsCouncil.org.
Chatham Arts Council 919-542-0394
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PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 118 West St., Pittsboro, NC 27312
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 418, Pittsboro, NC 27312
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 12:52:47 -0500
From: “Chatham Arts Council (Hello)” <hello@chathamartscouncil.org>
Subject: Chatham Arts Council Awards Nine Local Arts Orgs Grassroots Arts Grants