Hi, Beldar
Since you hail from Remulac—a small town in France—you may not be aware that mask wearing has been mandated in North Carolina. It’s actually a law. So calling out people who are justifiably disturbed about the lack of masks doesn’t compute.

“Karen” isn’t being self-righteous. In our culture, Beldar, it’s customary for humans to be concerned about the health and well-being of others, especially when those others are their offspring. And especially when their offspring are in a very small space and unable to distance themselves from someone who chooses to flout the law.
By your logic, Mr. Conehead, you would probably consider me a self-righteous “Karen” for reporting you to if I observed your erratic driving following the consumption of “mass quantities” of alcoholic beverages. Here, that’s called being a concerned citizen.
At this stage in the game, there’s no reason for anti-maskers to expect to be served in any business. And there’s no excuse for businesses to look the other way when customers refuse to wear masks. “Karen” wasn’t calling the cops on an innocent citizen going about his or her own business; she was letting the community know about a potential risk to people’s health. And venting her shock and concern that her daughter’s health had been threatened at a small business she was trying to support.
This is a tricky time, Beldar, and most of us just want to get through it in one piece. So whether you plan to make Earth your permanent home or you’re just passing through, try to study the cultural norms a bit more before passing judgment on others. It might help you fit in a little better.
Nanu nanu—oops, wrong context.
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2020 17:46:41 -0400
From: Jennifer Gillis
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Beldar_Conehead=E2=80=99s_post?=