Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 12:46:43 +0000 (UTC)
From: Audrey Joy
Subject: Chatham Co Master Gardeners
“From: lingam32443
Subject: Master gardner?
I noticed someone signed their post “master gardner”. Exactaly what Does that mean? Is that better than other gardners? Did they ever, way Back when, have slaves?
L. Ingam”
Master Gardeners are volunteers working with the Chatham County Agricultural Extension Horticultural Agent, Matt Jones. We have taken many hours of classes to help us learn about gardening, and more importantly, to be able to research problems and other gardening issues so that we can provide sound, research based suggestions and solutions. The Master Gardener Volunteer program is a nation wide organization associated with the land grant colleges (in our case, NCSU).
We are not better than regular gardeners, we just get to wear a badge that says “Master Gardener”. We never had slaves, but sometimes it seems WE are the slaves – they don’t pay us nuttin!

Chatham County Extension Master Gardener volunteers are available Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 1:00 – 4:00 pm, and Fridays from 9:00 until Noon, to help with your garden, lawn and landscape questions.
Contact us for gardening
Learn more about the Extension Master Gardener Program
The NC Extension Gardener Handbook is available online for free and as full-color, hardback book from UNC Press.
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