Bynum Front Porch workday on Saturday, September 5, 9-12

Bynum Front Porch workday on Saturday, September 5, 9-12

It’s time again for the historic Bynum General Store to get a little TLC!

During a regular summer–remember those?–the Bynum General Store is a hub of activity.  This year has been different, though, and the store has been basically empty since late last winter.  But the fall marks the return of Bynum Front Porch Storytelling (and the annual Christmas tree sale!) and perhaps the beginning of something new!  So, we need to get the store ready..

Saturday, September 5, is the date for the fall Bynum Front Porch workday at the Bynum General Store

Do you want to volunteer for the workday efforts?  Help get the property spruced up?  Do you need to earn community service hours? Bynum Front Porch has scheduled its late summer work day for Saturday, September 5 from 9 am to noon. Folks will be working inside and outside the Bynum General Store. There’s something for everyone, whether it’s mowing, trimming, and raking outside or cleaning, dusting and organizing inside.

And we want you to know that Bynum Front Porch is committed to helping everyone stay safe.  Folks working outside will be able to maintain social distancing.  For those working inside the store, only a handful of folks will be in the store at any given time and everyone will be wearing masks.

Students:  To get credit for your community hours obtain a form from your school guidance office or online at your school’s website. The form will be signed when you finish. You may come for all 3 hours, or any portion of that time.

Come join the cleanup crew this Saturday, September 5.  See you then!

*Bynum Front Porch*
USPS: PO Box 381, Bynum NC 27228
GPS: 950 Bynum Road, Pittsboro NC 27312
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Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 11:07:26 -0400
From: Bynum Front Porch <>
Subject: Bynum Front Porch workday — Saturday, September 5, 9-12