Virginia Penley is hearing dog whistles?

I read the last post from GOP activist Bill Crawford with interest. From my understanding the tax paying residents of District 1, Karen Howard, actually pay more to Chatham County in taxes every year than the combined total for the western districts of 4 and 5. I believe even DistrictContinue Reading

Master Gardeners are volunteers working with Chatham County Ag Extension Horticultural Agent Matt Jones

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2020 12:46:43 +0000 (UTC)From: Audrey Joy Subject: Chatham Co Master Gardeners “From: lingam32443Subject: Master gardner? I noticed someone signed their post “master gardner”. Exactaly what Does that mean? Is that better than other gardners? Did they ever, way  Back when, have slaves? L. Ingam” Master GardenersContinue Reading