Sit and stay and speak about the love you have for your dog and Pittsboro businesses for a chance to win gift cards

Sit and stay and speak about the love you have for your dog and Pittsboro businesses for a chance to win gift cards

It’s the Dog Days of Summer which is appropriate since National Dog Day is coming up on Wednesday, August 26. To support local businesses and celebrate these long, hot days, Main Street Pittsboro in collaboration with the Pittsboro Business Association hopes you’ll sit and stay and speak about the love you have for your canine companions -AND- local businesses for a chance to win gift cards.

adorable blur breed close up
Photo by Lum3n

Post a photo or video on the Main Street Pittsboro Facebook Event that coordinates with this theme. For example, you might post a dog-themed item from a local business, or an image of a visit your dog makes to a local business or a photo of your dog expressing love for a local business with a thought bubble or caption…you get the idea.

You love your dogs and we want to see how your adoration spills over to Pittsboro businesses. Share your post at the Main Street Pittsboro Facebook Event, always tag the Pittsboro business that’s relevant to your post, then tag your friends to get more likes. After you’ve posted it there, be sure to share the event on your own page so others know about it and can play too.

This contest runs through Noon on Sunday, 8/30. Five winners will be announced on Monday, 8/31: one winner will be for the Most Likes on Facebook; one winner will be for Most Creative; three winners will be for the First 3 People to Post on the Facebook event.

Each winner will receive a gift card from once of these downtown businesses:
A new theme will be revealed every other Monday.
Play along with Main Street Pittsboro and the Pittsboro Business Association and #supportlocal <> Pittsboro businesses at the same time.

Main Street Pittsboro <>
P.O. Box 1517 • Pittsboro, NC 27312
Follow us on Facebook *  Twitter *  Instagram

Pittsboro is a designated North Carolina Main Street community.  Main Street Pittsboro, in collaboration with the N.C Department of Commerce Main Street & Rural Planning Center, is charged with the administration and coordination of the Main Street program at the local level.

Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 14:01:28 -0400
From: Main Street Pittsboro <>
Subject: Love Local Contest: Dog Days of Summer