PITTSBORO, NC – The continued spread of COVID-19 across the globe is a serious reminder of the importance of the work that the Veterans of Foreign Wars Joe Wagner Post 7313 does every day for our fellow veterans and the residents of Chatham County. Following the recommendations for organizations and group events from Chatham County and the North Carolina Department of Health, Joe Wagner Post 7313 has opened the Post for business and will hold its regular monthly meeting on 26 May at 7:00 pm. Using social distancing rules and wearing masks, the Post will convene a minimal number of members to be physically present at the Post in order to ensure a quorum. All other members will be able to attend via teleconferencing. The effort is to minimize the possibility of exposing our members and guests to the COVID-19 virus.
The Joe Wagner VFW Post 7313 is not closed for business. We are on a mission of helping veterans that is never-ending. If you know of any veteran in need, please do not hesitate to contact Joe Wagner Post 7313 at (919) 542-0927 or by visiting our website: www.vfw7313.org.
Support the post Post by supporting us and joining on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pg/pittsborovfw/.
Thank You, God Bless You and God Bless America,
Andy Cochran
Joe Wagner Post 7313
If you would like to attend the meeting or submit requests or comments, please contact the Post Commander Andy Cochran at cdrpost7313@vfwnc.co
From: Cochran, Andy
Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2020, 11:50:21 AM EDT
Subject: Joe Wagner VFW Post 7313 Pittsboro