Corona Journal #7

My sister recently sent an envelope full of photos our mother had kept. Mom was better than I at photographing Janet and mine’s married life and relationship over the 11 years we were together. Of course, many of you are aware that relationships in the long term literally navigate mine fields of problems that are not caught in those smiling pictures. Yet, in things of the heart those times become precious when we feel stuck in this moment, when our future appears laid down in nothing but suffering and little joy.

I watched a 5 minute commentary at this site,

A short segment of the video shows a father in mask and scrubs stopping his small child, about 4 years, from approaching him. The boy stops at a safe distance, Dad drops to his knees, hand going to his forehead under the gaze of the small child’s eyes. So poignant. I sit writing here and I feel as though I have fallen to my knees with him. Reading further is impossible. The video is remarkable in every way. I send this to you with the hope that this father and son will be well and safe though we cannot know.

Thank you KT for the kind words from your generous heart, thank you all who post and read, and thank you Gene Galin for keeping us in touch.

He came to me

                by brad page

Our breaking marriage
Played out on our couch and in your lonely bed.
I pushed back, Sisyphus shoving the failure stone,
Up the sad slope of our dissolution
Muttering “I love you†into your disbelieving ears
On the rare occasions we shared the bed.

He came to me in the night.
He insistently pushed his slight body
Into my arms on that narrow space.
There in the long night I held him lightly

Lest he slide off the couch.
I slept lightly too, the father being a father,
To the child who cried,
“Popi, I hear a fish!”

Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 12:18:02 -0400
From: Brad Page
Subject: Corona Journal #7
