I needed to go and get supplies for a month, I felt. I got up at six o’clock and was at Walmart Siler city by eight. There were people, but not crowded. It seemed the shelves were well stocked, with the exception of hand sanitizers, alcohol, disposable gloves.
There was some paper towel on the shelf, limit one per customer.

I checked out at the automatic self check out- I had a prepaid gift card for my groceries. A few other items I wanted to pay cash-it was about eight dollars. i had plenty of ones so was going to spend those. The machine took the first two, then spit out the next seven or eight. Rejecting them- so fast, they went right on the floor. I then tried to pay with five dollar bills. I had six of them. The machine spat them out on the floor as fast i could put them in.
I complained to the attendant and was told “we Cant touch paper money- I don’t know what to tell you”. Ended up I had to use a credit card that i didn’t want to use.
Well, heck- at that point I remembered I needed another item- so I decided to use a different checkout machine. Same thing. Rejecting my money. Again, having to use a credit card I didn’t want to use.
By the way, the service counter room and services such as returns, etc. is closed until further notice. Some nonsense about notifying them on line about wanting to return something. I can imagine the horror story that would entail.
On to the dollar tree next door. They had paper towel, limited two rolls per customer, Toilet paper, one roll per.
Then to Food Lion in Siler city. They had no toilet paper or paper towels. Collards and mustard greens looked great.
Next to Pittsboro- Dollar tree there had no toilet- paper or paper towel.
Pittsboro Food Lion had no paper towel or toilet paper, although today someone emailed me saying there was a good supply and selection Sat.
Pittsboro Food Lion as now marked the isles “one Way”- but at every other end, it doesn’t say “One Way, Do Not Enter” so it was not working very well.
I stopped at the remote Poke Salat store on the way back and there was a good supply- and free.
Had that for lunch with cornbread and buttermilk. It took the cares of the day away.
N.A. Booko- If I had my druthers, I’d druther not have these mind boggling druthers. It may be two months before i go back shopping. Maybe my avocado tree will have produced fruit by then.
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Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:59:10 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: Postscript- My supplies . .
I was reporting on supply and demand of toilet paper and paper towel. I don’t need any at the moment.
Ah, shucks- times will get better
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 16:53:19 -0400
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: This little piggy went to market today . .