Rural Internet Access: Cellphone boosters can bridge the gap

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 10:21:53 -0400
From: JC  Markatos
Subject: Re: Rural Internet Access: Cellphone boosters can bridge the gap

Having had flaky service from our internet service provider, in spite of repeat visits by tech repair folks, I started checking into direct-from-cell-tower strategies.

One of the subscribers to this list helped me with a modem when I wondered if it was just my modem failing (thanks, John!). John is served well by an AT&T – connected monthly service that placed a directional antenna on his roof and delivers full internet service to computer and cellphone. offers cellphone boosters that allow your cellphone’s hot spot relay into your computer or just supply a strong signal to your smartphone.  I bought a used 3G setup on eBay, to test the concept and the Verizon signal strength at my home, and it works!  New units would deliver faster connections.

Representative Robert Reives spoke to a conference I found reported in the Chatham News & Record, saying the NC legislature has the votes to overturn the 2010 law blocking municipalities from filling the gaps for communities neglected or underserved by the communications industry, but current legislative leadership is blocking repeal.

So for now, we’re on our own, but Wilson Amplifiers and other companies can help us get at least part way to reliable broadband service!

– Jerry Markatos.