Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 09:37:59 -0500
From: Mary Alexion
Subject: Virginia Penley and Sales Tax Revenue

Regarding the post:
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus but it is not the hardworking, overtaxed residents of Chatham County.
Matching tax rates of other counties is absurd. It is neither a logical or economically sound reason to add more tax burden.
Yes, it is a ‘small’ increment, but there needs to be a limit of taxing us to death one small increase bite at a time Big deal, we will still be slight lower in our tax rate than other counties. I would love for us to have the least tax rate in the country.
So what have we done with the taxes on liquor-by the drink or for that matter the current sales tax revenue on everything else?
Thank goodness lots of people see the horrendous implications of land transfer taxes. This county’s cost of housing is going up enough already. This will make our county less affordable.
I have the perfect solution for the so called lost revenue from a failed sales tax increase: CUT SPENDING.
Just say NO to a tax increase the same way you say NO to drugs. Increasing taxes seems to be addictive to the Democrats and there needs to be a change toward fiscal responsibility.
Original Post:
I appreciate all of the impassioned responses I received regarding the
approval of an additional quarter cent on our existing sales tax.
Regardless of position on the issue these facts will not change:
1. Passing the referendum will merely give Chatham the same sales tax rate
as Harnett, Lee, Moore and Randolph counties—7%.
2. The additional cost will only be one penny per $4 spent.
3. No tax on gasoline or groceries.
4. The sales taxes will still be higher in Orange, Durham and Wake counties.
5. Passing liquor-by-the-drink in 2009 has added revenue to the County,
Pittsboro and Siler City.
6. Passing liquor-by-the-drink in 2009 encouraged new restaurants and bars
to open which has created jobs and added revenue.
7. The CCGOP never officially endorsed liquor-by-the-drink.
8. The CCGOP opposed the Land Transfer Tax, which works down east and keeps
their tax rate low.
9. The CCGOP opposition to the Land Transfer Tax in 2007 has shorted the
County nearly $27 million dollars since 2008 with no replacement of lost
10. Passing the referendum will provide an alternative revenue stream that
will grow as our market grows.
11. If the sales tax referendum fails, the CCGOP has no solution to making
up the lost revenue. A repeat of 2007.
12. In any case, the County would receive more sales tax revenue if
everyone used the USPS nine digit zip codes on their transactions.
Mary Alexion