Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 14:58:45 -0500
From: Raymond Gastwaite
Subject: Disingenuous giving a false appearance of simple frankness. Calculating. See also Virginia Penley
Virginia: the discussion is about the Chatham County Board of Commissioners asking for more of Chatham County resident’s money. It is not about previous taxes, drinking liquor, nor what a previous board did or did not do a over a decade ago.
The County Board has recently raised property taxes. Then property tax valuations went up. The board then made a big show of asking County Staff to not ask for more funds. THEN they spring a sales tax referendum on a ballot when they know there will be fewer voters than in the general election, and when more of the Democrat Socialist party will turn out because they are selecting a presidential candidate for the general election.
Here is the issue: can you as a shopper in Chatham County spend your money better than the County can spend your money? Or would you rather increase saving for your retirement, for your grand kids, for your church, for your favorite charity?