Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2020 16:54:11 -0500
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: A final toast to those that have passed on . .

Electric toasters that is- That remarkable standby kitchen appliance that has saved us time and effort over the years. i use my several times a week. Muffins for breakfast- Cheese toast for supper. So many uses and so easy to use.
Mine had lasted for years- Can’t remember if I bought it new or second hand- But it has been a good one. And for years I have kept a spare toaster on hand- just in case. But when my faithful old friend apparently died over-night- it just wouldn’t muster that rosey glow this morning. My mind just couldn’t accept the fact that it was not lighting up. Re-plug it. Test the plug. But alas- I accepted the fact my old friend had passed on.
Why worry?I have that spare toaster in the closet just waiting to be brought into service. So I plugged it in= It lit up just like the day I bought it at the second-hand store. But . . . lighting up and getting hot enough to toast is another thing. Ye gads! This secondhand bargain took four times as long to toast an English muffin as did my old deceased friend.
So, will buy a new one the next time. The problem is- Newer these days does not always mean better. Seems prices go up and quality goes down. But we all know that.
A toast to the passing . . .
N.A. Booko- Ditto mico-waves, can openers, blenders, food processers-etc. etc. etc.