I heard the term Chatham County Taliban the other day so before I go there let me go to the middle east for a moment. I had two good friends serve in the middle east and they educated me on the tactics of the Taliban .. The Taliban worked something like this . It would quietly infiltrate local governments and tribes to see where each stood . It would offer protection to those that were like minded and easily radicalized and send aid to them for promise of support in the jihad to come . The communities that were not radicalized were studied and made to feel safe while slowly being disarmed . The local Taliban would bring outside agitators in to upset and disrupt the community so the bigger better organized Taliban could come in wipe out their monuments , statues , churches , family history , and decimate the entire village leaving it in shambles . It turned long time family and friends against each other to aid in its cause .. It will turn on its own members if that member doesn’t see eye to eye with the greater collective . Chad recalled how they would often sacrifice one of their own as an example to keep the entire Taliban in check .

Now I can come back to Chatham . We have watched as the far left radical progressive movement slowly crept into Chatham . It gathered followers and took control of democratic party first then county government .. Its focus isn’t local government or how to serve local residents but some progressive global socialist agenda . They know where their strong holds are in Chatham and will coddle those living there so they will fall in line with them . They pulled in a mob lawyer from up north , invited antifa , devastated local economy and will blow north of a quarter million dollars just to remove a monument they find offensive . If they will go to this extreme to remove a monument just imagine what’s next .
I have a guess. Its no secret Jim Crawford’s wife lobbied all four commissioners in December to support radical gun control measures in NC . Have you noticed the lack of gun stores and ranges in Chatham . Unless things change you wont see any pop up in the future and you certainly won’t see us join the multitudes of N.C. counties becoming second amendment sanctuaries that are fighting against the radical far lefts agenda . They don’t want law abiding citizens to have guns . Let me make my point. At the protest in Pittsboro they prohibited anyone in the protest area from having a gun . One of the many anti monument protestors invited to support the commissioners anti statue agenda tried to run over several people and waved a gun wildly as seen in the multitudes of videos shared online . I saw these videos and I wondered why the man wasn’t shot on sight by a deputy as it was clear he was immanently endangering multiple lives . He was ordered to put the gun down then arrested but somehow let go moments later without going to jail ? He went to court to have all charges thrown out and be escorted out by deputies for his own protection ? Yet I hear others on the pro monument side have been prosecuted . This clearly sends a message that the rights of people on one side are greater than those on the other . I’m am sure if this man had been a pro monument supporter he would have been shot or at the least jailed with multiple charges and prosecuted at the full extent of the law . That’s what I would expect no matter which side of the argument he would have been on because he clearly endangered innocent civilians by brandishing a firearm and attempted assault by motor vehicle but clearly he was treated differently . The multitudes of outside influencers were pulled in to support and agenda that wouldn’t have succeeded without them . Are you seeing a pattern yet ? You will read on
Katelin Hancock is a local Chatham County native that graduated from Northwood . She has taken the daunting challenge of running against Mike Dasher for the second district seat as a democrat . I have already heard questions that seam innocent about her experience and qualifications but its who has asked the questions that say volumes . Its far left progressives in the democratic party are starting to pick her apart . Talk about throwing a sheep in a lion’s den she’s going to need all the support she can get . Just like Mike Cross , a moderate bipartisan minded democrat who speaks for all the people of this county is not going to get any support from the Chatham county Democratic party now and that’s one thing we need desperately. I said I would never again vote for a democrat but let me tell you hell froze over because I will vote for her . I don’t care if she’s a waitress at waffle house if she does what she says and works for the people of Chatham instead of some national radical left movement she has my full support .
The radical lefts tactics are eerily similar to the Taliban of the east and this is why some refer to the current powers that be as the Chatham County Taliban . I have an opinion . I believe we need to see a stronger turn out at the poles . I would like to see the democratic party not fractured between radicals and everyone else . I feel it needs to heal and weed out the radical progressives and restore its values with liberal , moderate and conservative minded democrats .I would like to see the GOP grow into the 21st century as well by embracing different views on health care and social policies often ignored by them. We need both political parties healthy and strong to give us a bi partisan governing body that will not divide this county any further . Chatham County needs to heal and it will not until we replace the powers that be and restore balance to our local government .
Crowds, mobs and movements are often ignorant and stupid. People as a rule are intelligent and thoughtful using their brain to make educated decisions . I wont tell you who you vote for , use your brain , JUST VOTE March 3 2020
Goodnite Mark
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 13:16:27 -0500
From: Mark Stinson
Subject: Chatham County Taliban