Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 04:39:08 +0000 (UTC)
From: “tgohf666”
Subject: Comments Made By Anonymous Political Respondents
I wondered why members of the Chat community wrote anonymously. Are these individuals ashamed for their beliefs to become known? Are they political opponents? Outliers? Individuals or groups with an agenda?
So… I quelled my initial gut reaction to respond as ME with my REAL name; alas, better to respond with my nom de plume. Now I have lessfear, as do you, to start my car every morning. And after reading Gene’s explanation for the practice of allowing writers to be anonymous I must agree with him. You and I now join the ranks of great writers like Thomas Paine, Mary Shelley and Samuel Clemens.

Individuals that take aim at John Bonitz may fall under several categories. I have attended many, many Town Board meetings and find Commissioner Bonitz well read, well prepared and considerate of ALL key stakeholders. We are looking at an extraordinary time in Pittsboro’s future. You state that during the Haw River Assembly/Sierra Club sponsored event Commissioner Bonitz advocated for a strong Board. SO…Do you advocate a weak Town Board?
The questions Commissioner Bonitz has posed are more than relevant; if you have been following the process you would be aware that he brings more to the table than you or I conceive. Perhaps you are politically motivated? Financially motivated? OR…Perhaps you are Mrs. Bonitz with a hope of returning to some semblance of normalcy for your family’s life?
I googled the term anonymous. I find it not flattering.
I find this round of elections to be far less than what I would like to see for my town to move forward. Yes, we have water issues, infrastructure issue and are driven by financial restraints. We need to address these issues with a hopeful and forward look to the future based on the available resources we now have and will have in the future.
We are better than what we have become.
Yes, I too have resorted to become a pseudonym