Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 01:04:34 -0400
From: hamchatcounty
Subject: Antifa Fascists coming to Pittsboro on Saturday
It appears that the failed videographer Mark Barraso (biggest claim to fame is that he worked with the discredited Dan Rather) and his merry “Chatham For All” group has invited like-minded fascists from outside Chatham County to join him in downtown Pittsboro this Saturday.

They plan to meet on Saturday morning at 10 am at the YMCA building (park at the City Tap) and march to the Blair Building Lot. There will be a rally at 10:30 am. at 1 pm there will be a community lunch. Sounds like a nice peaceful demonstration, doesn’t it.
Antifa calls itself antifascist but these black-clad, hooded leftists are basically thugs who go around beating up people whose views they disagree with. Antifa is a gang whose criminal behavior constitutes a head-on threat to free speech and, therefore, democracy.
The New York Times reports that antifa is growing as an increasingly important part of an emerging left-wing coalition, which includes Chatham County liberal Democrat leadership.
As Douglas Murray observes, the exact meaning of “fascist” is hazy because the word has been overused. Indeed, what George Orwell said 75 years ago (quoted by Andrew Stuttaford) remains true today:
Almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.
By the same token, most people would agree that a group of masked thugs that goes around, en masse, beating people with whom it disagrees about politics is fascist or, at a minimum, has fascist tendencies. No reasonable person would accept that it is antifascist. (
How evil is Antifa? You can take a look of this NSW video ( ) of appalling lawlessness and violence. (Beware: There is rough language in this video)
And this is who the people that told us that they were looking for a “Chatham” solution to the Confederate statue in front of the courthouse are bringing into our community.
I pray that Sheriff Robertson and Chief Cruthfield and their law enforcement men and women stay safe while preserving law and order in Pittsboro.
If Mark Barraso (who happens to be on the Chatham County Board of Elections ) wanted to really do something meaningful, he might want to follow the example of a genuine photojournalist, and examine the the situation in Mauritania. Slavery persisted in Africa long after it was abolished elsewhere, and Mauritania is the last pro-slavery holdout. In Mauritania, as has so often been the case, lighter-skinned Arabs own darker-skinned Africans. I guess it is so much braver and tougher to march against an inanimate statue then to go up against actual existing cases of slavery still present in our world.
BTW, since Mark Barroso is one of the organizers of this Antifa Brownshirts gathering, please remember that he is liable if you are attacked or harmed by any of his like-minded friends. I’m sure you could find an attorney that would be willing to take your case and sue Mark and his other organizers for injury, pain and suffering.