Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2019 12:35:43 -0400
From: Anna Wright
Subject: Chatham County Commissioners-Who Are You Serving?

The following is a synopsis of information collected from social media posts by the Chatham County Commissioners regarding the Veteran’s monument both before and after the vote was taken.
The commissioners Code of Ethics states the following in Canon Two – A County Commissioner Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of His or Her Office
*”County Commissioners should demonstrate the highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty and fortitude in all their public activities in order to inspire public confidence and trust in county government. County commissioners should participate in establishing, maintaining and enforcing, and should themselves observe high standards of conduct so that the integrity and independence of their office may be preserved.”*
Canon Three – A County Commissioner Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All His or Her Actions
1. It is essential that county government attract those citizens best qualified and willing to serve. County commissioners have legitimate interests-economic, professional and vocational-of a private nature. *County commissioners should not acquire, retain or pursue private interests, economic or otherwise, when such action conflicts with their responsibility to the public or creates the appearance of such a conflict.*
2. County Commissioners should respect and comply with the law and *should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity of the office of county commissioner* and of County government.
3. *County commissioners should not allow family, social or other relationships to unduly influence their conduct or judgment and should not lend the prestige of the office county commissioner to advance the private
interest of others; nor should they convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence them. Where there is clear appearance of such undue influence, a county commissioner
should recuse himself or herself from voting on the matter or participating in its deliberations. *
The following information will show that Dasher, Howard and Crawford have violated the Commissioners Code of Ethics and should have recused themselves from any discussion and vote on the Veterans memorial.
*Copy of a social media post from January 2019 from a citizen, Alexander Kast. In the post he states that “I know with certainty that the majority of the people below (your Chatham & Pittsboro elected officials) are in favor of it’s (monument) removal from our town circle.” He then lists the commissioners and town board names.*
– How would he know what the elected officials are in favor of unless they had held private discussions about the matter?
– This post was made in January 2019 stating that he knows “with certainty” the commissioners are in favor of removing the statute.
– The commissioners had obviously been engaged in conversation regarding removing the statute prior to this post date with Mr. Kast and other elected officials.
– The matter was first brought to the commissioners in April. How long had the commissioners been working behind the scenes to have the monument removed?
– It is plain to see their comments and vote were a clear conflict of interest and based on their own personal beliefs.
*A social media clip on May 10, 2019 from Dasher to Maya Little (Antifa leader and also responsible for bringing down silent sam) – he tells her “you’re a doer and I’ve got nothing but respect for you. Less for whoever called me a worthless public servant but goes with the job I guess. I said I would do what I can and I am.” *
*Her response to him “Thank you. I appreciate you reaching out. We are watching and want to know that elected officials are responding as we are as well.” She then tells Dasher “But at what point will Chatham County commissioners make good on a promise to critically examine racism in their towns? Kevin Stone’s office is not even a few blocks down from the Pittsboro confederate monument. When it’s toppled what comes next?” *
– What is Dasher referring to when he says I told you I would do what I can and I am?
– Is he talking about having the Chatham County monument taken down?
– Why does he have so much respect for Maya Little? She is the one responsible for the violence at UNC when Silent Sam was taken down. She is a leading member of Antifa and he has nothing but respect for her? Obviously he does because he states it in his own words. Her agenda is clearly one of disruption, violence and hatred. This was clearly shown at the rally in Pittsboro on September 28.
– What is she watching to make sure the elected officials are responding to?
– What promise was made by the commissioners?
– What is the reference to Kevin Stone?
Maya Little was in Pittsboro on Saturday, September 28, and we have never witnessed such a vulgar, evil person. She is shown on several videos using the most horrible language toward the people present at the rally and toward the law enforcement. Her actions and those of her group are what you see on television rioting and causing destruction and havoc. And, Dasher has nothing but respect for her? She has no respect for anyone and we are appalled that the Commissioner Chairman says that he has nothing but respect for her. Commissioner Dasher the citizens of Chatham County would like for you to show us that much respect!
*A social media discussion on June 13, between Dasher and his friends regarding the term “reimagine.” They discuss the meaning of the word and how is can be used to in regard to the monument.*
– The Commissioners voted on the Memorandum of Understanding with the UDC on June 17, 2019. However, on June 13, Chairman Dasher, Karen Howard and others are having a social media discussion with Chatham for All friends about this very matter. They are discussing the use of the work “reimagine” in regard to the monument. And, that is the exact term used in the MOU to the UDC on June 17.
– The citizens of Chatham County did not vote to have Chatham for All make decisions for us. The fact that these two commissioners are on social media seeking the the advice and counsel of friends with Chatham for All to make a decision of this magnitude definitely speaks to their credibility and integrity as commissioners.
– Commissioner decisions should be made with the full board of commissioners present in an open, public meeting. They should not decided on social media four days before a presentation in the public meeting.
*On September 13, Dasher posts an alert on the Chatham for All Facebook page which is copied to the Chatham Stand Up page (now Chatham for Action) that he understands there will be a “neo-Confederate rally” in Pittsboro the next day.*
– Citizens from Chatham County who want to keep the Confederate memorial had planned a peaceful rally to be held at the Courthouse on September 14.
– Dasher contacts his friends to cause a counter-protest to occur. This group is made up of a variety of individuals including members of the Socialist Party.
– Why does the Chairman of the Commissioners call for a counter-protest against the citizens he is supposed to be representing? Because, he represents those who are in complete agreement with him and his agenda and that of his friends.
– Any confrontations or problems that occurred on September 14 can be blamed on him because he called out people to come and rally against those citizens supporting the memorial.
*On Sept 14, Commissioner Karen Howard was present at the rally in support of those who want to take down the memorial. She is seen in a picture holding a sign and standing with members of the socialist party. The picture is posted on several social media sites. That night she posts the following on Chatham for All and Chatham Stand Up…”thank you for being there. I was at the rally earlier and couldn’t be more proud of the age, race, sexuality and ethnic diversity on “our” side.” *
– What side is “our” side? Obviously from photos and her own posts it is that of the socialist group and those who want the monument removed?
– The fact that she is photographed standing alongside those individuals holding signs representing the Socialist party tells us where her allegiance lies. It is certainly not for Chatham County.
– Do we need people like this leading our county and making decisions for us? Absolutely not!
– Integrity and actions to promote public confidence….what do you think?
*On the night of Sept 14 following the rally, Dasher’s posted comments on social media sites. His comment was that his favorite sign was the one that said “Celebrating the Confederacy is weird and racist.” Photos of the sign
are on social media.*
– What is weird and racist about supporting the memorial for fallen soldiers?
– What is weird and racist about caring that the memorial honoring your family members could be destroyed because of outside groups coming in to destroy what the citizens of the county hold dear?
– What is weird and racist about showing your family and friends that you honor the lives of these brave souls and want to remember them?
– There is nothing weird and racist unless you have your own agenda and have let your friends know that “with certainty you want the memorial removed.”
– Again, the chairman is not working for the citizens, he is working for his friends and plainly has a conflict of interest where the memorial is concerned.
*On September 11 after the confederate flag was raised on 64 East, Dasher posts on social media – “I’m no lawyer but someone should look into whether the just-raised confederate flag on 64 East is allowed under town ordinances.”*
– This flag was placed on the private property of a Chatham County citizen.
– Just like when Dasher alerted his friends about the September 14 rally, he is once again calling them to arms to check into the flag.
– He posts flag regulations for their review and starts another cycle of outrage. Again, clearly showing his favor toward one group of citizens and his own agenda.
*When the confederate flag was raised across from Horton Middle School, Dasher made comments on social media and referred to the citizens as “dicks.”*
– Another flag, placed on the private property of a Chatham county citizen.
– And, the Commissioner Chairman refers to the citizens as “dicks.” I must remind you again though that he has nothing but respect for Maya Little. However, he chooses to refer to Chatham County citizens as “dicks.”
– This immaturity is certainly not representative of a commissioner with any kind of integrity or one that should be leading our County.
These are but a few of the examples that have been found on social media that plainly show there has been a long time desire to remove the confederate memorial by our Commissioners Dasher and Howard. The backroom discussions, the support and favoritism shown to, as Karen Howard “our” side and the deep respect for those who have a clear agenda to remove all traces of the Confederacy from the south are very obvious. These two commissioners by their own written words have violated the Commissioners Code of Ethics and should have recused themselves from any discussion and vote on the matter of the Confederate Memorial.
Mr. Crawford clearly showed his biased opinion on June 17 at the Commissioners meeting during his biased speech about the south and the confederacy. His biased opinion served to create his decision to remove all traces of the confederacy long before he became a commissioner.With the opinions he felt so deeply and expressed at the June 17 meeting, there is no way he could have made a fair decision on the matter. He should have recused himself from any discussion or voting on the matter of the monument.
Petitions were turned in to the commissioners with over 3000 signatures in support of the monument remaining in it’s current location and 900 signatures to remove. It is clear based on the conversations/comments by the commissioners themselves that the decision to remove the monument was based on personal opinion, the opinion of friends and the influence of outside groups NOT on the will of the citizens of Chatham County.
This article began with a discussion of the code of ethics and the need for our commissioners to show integrity in their roles as servants to the citizens of Chatham County. It is clear that this has not been the case in regarding the fate of the memorial. A commissioner with integrity would have used discretion in his or her discussions of the matter and would not have chosen to use social media as the platform to get out his or her message. He or she would not have used social media to contact their own special interest group to alert them to retaliate against other citizens. He or she would respect all citizens and would show each citizen, regardless of the opinion they might hold, the same respect. A commissioner with integrity would not refer to the citizens he serves with a derogatory name. A commissioner with integrity would not have based his decision on his own personal bias against one group of people but would try to listen and understand the opinions and convictions of citizens of both sides of the matter.
Chatham County/Pittsboro has always been a wonderful place to live. Since 1771, we have been a county of close-knit neighbors who have worked together, known each others families, helped each other during hard times and good and loved one another, regardless of race, for the good of all. The decision of these four commissioners have created a divide in this county that has never existed until now. Their decision has brought the hate-filled Antifa group to Pittsboro making Saturday a day to stay out of town. Their decision has hurt the business of downtown Pittsboro. The people they have brought to this town are vile, vulgar and dangerous. They have exposed the citizens to this and should be ashamed. They are the problem! These socialist, leftist, anti-Americans are making decisions for our county and it is disgraceful. They are destroying the very fiber of what this county is made of.
Citizens of Chatham County it is time to wake up and see what is happening before it is too late. It is time to get involved and stand up for what is right and good and do not allow the actions of these outside interest group to destroy our County. We see these things happening in other places and think it won’t happen here. It is happening here and we have to stand together.
Concerned Citizens of Chatham County and Supporters of the Monument