From: Chatham Thinker
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2019, 11:16:41 AM EDT
Subject: Regarding the Town of Pittsboro Elections

On September 24th we raised some issues on this forum that we thought Mr. Bonitz would answer.
Perhaps he will at the NAACP forum.
His assertion at a previous forum that Pittsboro needed a strong board implies that he does not respect his fellow commissioners and believes his vision trumps all.
Further, a review of his service over the past four years shows that he is unable to move forward programs he favors such as affordable housing and protecting our night skies due to a pattern of obstruction and hostility toward other stakeholders in the greater community.
One would think that with four other board members and a mayor who supported affordable housing something tangible could be seen by the voters.
Why has Mr. Bonitz been so impotent in this regard?
Add to the list his open and notorious hostility to the largest single tax payer in the Town and County, Chatham Park, and it is no wonder that the Town appears to be rowing in circles with a need for a better relationship with Chatham Park.
And by no means do we mean a subservient relationship to Chatham Park, but at least one where communication is flowing from both sides in a relationship that has trust with a goal to make the community better.
Has Mr. Bonitz even bothered to meet with these stakeholders outside of town meetings that are many hours long and limited by protocol?
Four more years of Mr. Bonitz will likely mean continual delays, higher taxes, higher water and sewer fees, greater expenses for businesses small and large, and millions more spent on critical infrastructure such as water and sewer because he is unwilling to make decisions and move the town forward. Constant delays cost all of us real money.
Combined with the current mess downtown one could argue that a Bonitz re-election will be a lump of coal in the stocking of every local merchant.
We urge the voters to look at the other six candidates for Town Board to find continuity and new blood and let Mr. Bonitz find another way to serve the community.
Friends of Circle City