Sign up for the Chatham County 9th Annual Alzheimer’s 5K Run/Walk on September 14

Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 14:42:45 +0000
From: Sarah Haskins
Subject: Save the Date: Chatham County 9th Annual Alzheimer’s 5K Run/Walk

Please join us as Galloway Ridge at Fearrington hosts the Chatham County 9th Annual Alzheimer’s Walk & 5K Run on September 14, 2019. Runners and walkers of all ages are welcome to attend the race, which will benefit the Alzheimer’s Association Eastern North Carolina Chapter.  The Chatham County 9th Annual Alzheimer’s Walk & 5K Run is the largest Alzheimer’s fundraiser between Chatham and Orange Counties. We call on participants of all ages and abilities to be a part of this inspiring event and join the fight against a disease that ranks as the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States. For more information and to sign up for the race please visit: GALLOWAYRIDGE.COM/CHATHAM5K.

Galloway Ridge will also be hosting a series of informative Alzheimer’s Research sessions that are open to the general public from June-August. Please contact Sarah Haskins at for questions or for more information.

Are You At Risk? Lipid Transport in the Brain in Health and Disease with Dr.. Sarah Cohen
Thursday, June 27, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

ApoE, Alzheimer’s and Aging with Dr. Lidia Tagliafierro
Thursday, July 25, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

New directions for therapies? The Immune Response in the Brain and It’s Relationship to Alzheimer’s Disease with Dr. Carol Colton
Thursday, August 29, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Sarah Haskins
Marketing and Sales Coordinator

Galloway Ridge
3000 Galloway Ridge, Pittsboro, NC  27312
P. 919-545-2647
F. 919-545-2219