Chatham Council on Aging is rolling out the new Community Ambassador Program

Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 09:16:08 -0400
From: Alan Russo
Subject: Community Ambassador Program at the COA

One major goal of the Council this summer is rolling out the new Community Ambassador Program. Building off the incredible work done by last summer’s intern, Hilary Pollan, Bria Berry, a second-year graduate student in public health at UNC-Chapel Hill will be facilitating the recruitment and selection of the initial class of ambassadors who will represent the diverse populations of older adults and serve as a link between communities, the Council, and its partners. These ambassadors will also undergo an orientation on July 25th at the Western Chatham Senior Center followed by an 8-session training and graduation ceremony in the fall that will prepare them to identify and address unmet needs of older adults, their families, and caregivers. Once complete with training, ambassadors will serve older adults in the community by participating in the implementation of the 2018-2023 Chatham Aging Plan and county-wide projects.

Throughout the month of June Bria will be spreading the word about the Community Ambassador Program by passing out recruitment packets consisting of a flyer, opportunity description, and brief application form, meeting stakeholders and engaging with members of the Chatham community. If you or anyone you know would be interested in becoming an ambassador, or have questions about the program contact Bria at or at (919) 542-4512. Please feel free to take one of our recruitment packets that are located in the lobby of the Eastern and Western Chatham Senior Centers.

Alan Russo
Meal Site Manager
Chatham County Council on Aging
Pittsboro, NC 27312

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