Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2019 23:07:48 -0400
From: Whatzup
Subject: What kind of mom?
I watched the video of Elizabeth Haddix speaking about childcare and the statue at

She claims the statue located in front of the county courthouse in Pittsboro is “an assault on her as a human.”
First, the definition of assault in common law is the harmful or offensive contact with a person. An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause harm. If anyone is looking for an attorney, I’d probably stay clear of Elizabeth Haddix. She doesn’t even seem to be aware of what the term “assault” really means.
Second, if she truly believes her silly assertion that it is an assault on her as a human, what the heck is she doing letting her kid spend time in the vicinity of the statue for such long periods of time. Doesn’t she realize the physical and psychological damage such exposure could do to her son. Has she no semblance of parental responsibility to get him out of there as soon as possible and keep him away for his own safety?
NOTE: Restaurant owners are not your babysitters. You kid is old enough to find plenty of volunteer opportunities to keep him busy without the county needing to provide a babysitting center. Anyone looking for volunteers can drop Elizabeth a note at the Julius Chambers Center for Civil Rights in carrboro.
BTW, are the “Chatham For All” racists Mark Barroso, Howard Fifer and David Delany (who are all trying to bury their racist pasts) planning to head over to Egypt and have the pyramids taken down? Those were built by slave labor, you know. Would love to see how that turns out.
Just asking.
Chatham mom