This Week at Chatham County Libraries

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2019 18:34:42 +0000
From: Susan Clayton
Subject: Next Week at Chatham County Libraries

Monday, April 15
10am                           CCL Toddler Story Time
3-5pm                        Employment Assistance. (**New day and time!)   Looking for a job?  A member of CCCC’s Career and Employment Training program will be available to assist you with employment skills and related questions.  Visit the computer lab at Chatham Community Library any time between 3 and 5pm on Mondays to receive help: Creating a resume, strengthening your job interview skills, Searching for jobs, Applying to jobs, and more!  No appointment necessary.  Participants will complete brief registration paperwork on their first visit. Assistance is free if you are unemployed, underemployed, working & eligible for the federal earned income tax credit, or if you have received notice of a layoff.

Tuesday April 16
10am                            CCL Toddler Story Time
11am                            CCL Preschool Story Time
3pm                     Internet Basics, Part 1.  Not comfortable navigating the internet?  This class is designed for the beginner! Topics covered in this workshop include: locating and opening a web browser, using the browser’s menu and toolbar, recognizing and navigating to a web address, identifying and following links on a web page, using a search engine, understanding error messages, previewing and printing from a web page and manipulating multiple windows and tasks. Prerequisites:  Participants must have taken the Computer Basics class or have prior experience using a computer, including mouse and keyboard. This workshop is FREE and open to the public; however, class size is limited and registration is required.
Register:  Online<> , call  919-545-8086, email, or sign up in the library.

Thursday, April 18
9am-3pm                   Genealogy Assistance. Volunteer genealogists are available to assist with family history research, whether your ancestors lived in Chatham County, the 50 states, or overseas.  A genealogy volunteer is on site in the library most Thursdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, and other days and times by appointment.  Call 919-545-8086 to make an appointment.  Sessions take place in the Local History & Genealogy area of Chatham Community Library.  Please bring as much written documentation as you have about the topic you are researching, as well as a flash drive for saving documents and/or money for printing.
10am                      CCL Mindful Kids at the Library. In these unique classes, kids (ages 2+) learn mindfulness through activities that they love.. We explore yoga, dance, storytelling, and art to keep kids engaged! Please register by calling (919) 545-8085.
4pm                         After School Activities: Got Games?  Got game? Bring it to Chatham Community Library on the third Thursday of every month. Families with elementary school aged kids and older are welcome to join us for an open session of board games, card games, and more. We’ll provide the games, you bring the fun! For more information, contact Youth Services at (919) 545-8085.

Friday, April 19
Chatham County Libraries CLOSED for Easter

Saturday, April 20
Chatham County Libraries CLOSED for Easter

WREN Library, Siler City
Wednesday, April 17
4:30pm                             Wren LEGO Club

Goldston Library, Goldston
Thursday, April 18
10:30am                              Goldston Story Time

“Love, butter & the company of cats is the recipe for a good life”. Julia Child.
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