Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2019 12:28:21 -0400
From: Brad Page
Subject: Heart Failure, Aging, COPD and Exercise/Diet
lf you suffer as I do from these chronic illnesses read on.

First, a little about me. I’m Brad Page, 78, fairly robust and I suffer from chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder along with a few ailments that come with aging.
I am carrying about 30 pounds I don’t need and, of course, I don’t exercise regularly. In fact, to take it a step further, given the fear and anxiety of living with these diseases, I tend to eat comfort food which is the least comforting thing I do and the last thing I need.
Lack of exercise is common among people with these diseases. I often feel weak and breathless. Without regular exercise stamina and strength remains a distant dream.
Poor diet is common among people with these diseases. Often because our hearts don’t operate fully we bloat easily and retain fluid and suffer swelling in the legs and feet. The consequent sense of helplessness (perhaps a sense of uselessness) shifts our moods darkly.
Comfort food is a great temptation – Big mac, Egg McMuffin, fries, pizza – choose your salty and sugary poison. I love ’em all.
The diseases CHF and COPD are chronic. The life you and I live does not have to be chronically miserable. The doctors and therapists say, “Move more, eat less”. Uh huh.
There’s a third part to this “move more, eat less” prescription the doctors and therapists don’t talk about: loneliness, isolation and the mood swings brought on by not quite feeling up to anything all the time and, needless to say, the dizziness and light headedness of poor circulation.
Simple prescriptions are great for simple people. Trouble is, I’ve never met a simple person.
I need your help. You may need my help if you suffer from these diseases. I need your ideas and thoughts, your experiences, your knowledge and I’d like to have my own challenged. At 78 I’m tired of sitting on my butt with a TV or laptop. Tired or not, I can’t crack this pattern alone.
So, here’s an idea you are welcome to challenge. Form a group of about 8-10 people who suffer these diseases and who are willing to meet each week to discuss our notions on living an optimum and maybe more active lifestyle that fits for each of us. Support each other emotionally, share transportation to a meeting place if necessary (I have a comfortable truck), build a telephone and email network for each other, share remedies and offer encouragement to lose (or gain) weight, or exercise regularly by walking together or meeting at the Council on Aging, West, or the YMCA.
I truly believe this has to be a grass roots effort done by us together and sanctioned by no one else. If we, together, can help each other I’m positive each of us will feel better and be more effective in our own lives by being motivated to pursue the goals we care about. I want to see my son in Wisconsin this year. Given my condition right now that won’t happen. My willpower and desire just aren’t enough. I need your help.
At this moment, as I visualize it, each meeting could be run by the guidelines of The Talking Circle. Since attachments are not allowed in Chatlist posts please send me your email address and I’ll forward a complete set of guidelines for this method of dialogue in a group.
A final note: we’re probably pretty smart people if we made it this far. I know I sound smart and I write well. Doesn’t matter. McDonald’s awaits, the video awaits. Smart doesn’t mean diddly.
Regards and Best To You,
Brad Page
You need to go on a Mediterranean diet….olive oil.. sardines, avocado’s… limit your carbs…. start walking slowly…. but most people aren’t going to do this….. I’am 67 and on no meds….. if I ate like you, I would.