Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2019 12:21:50 +0000 (UTC)
From: deloispopp
Subject: statue

I think serious consideration should be given to adding a statue of a African American Confederate soldier to the courthouse circle. (not a statue of slave family as previous suggested). I have recently seen lots of pictures of Blacks in Confederate uniform which I think were posted by the Chatham history FB postings. I think this would be a great community and county effort to sponsor such a statue.
I’d rather see an African American North Carolina Militia Solider at the courthouse. After all, they are the men who fought back the klan boys who tried to take over this courthouse. They are the ones defending the peace against the violent white supremacists who were terrorizing any and all African Americans who wanted to register to vote in Chatham County and across the Piedmont. Honor the defenders of our democracy not the ones who declared war on the US.