Chatham I/DD & Mental Health Alliance Survey only takes a few minutes to complete

Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2019 11:01:43 -0500
From: Heather Johnson
Subject: Chatham I/DD and Mental Health Alliance Survey – only takes a few  minutes to make a big difference!

Are you or someone you care for experiencing mental illness, a substance use disorder, or an intellectual and/or developmental disability (I/DD)? Would you be willing to share your perspective based on these experiences to help strengthen the system of services in Chatham County?

If so, please consider completing a short survey to help us better understand the opportunities and gaps in resources in Chatham County. We are a team of UNC Health Policy and Management students collaborating with the Chatham County Public Health Department and the Chatham Health Alliance to conduct a system assessment of I/DD, mental health, and substance use resources. Your responses are very important to helping us better understand existing resources, gaps in resources, and opportunities to strengthen services throughout the county.

As your input is valuable to us, we are reaching out to ask you to take our Chatham County Community Survey. The online survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. *Please complete this survey by March 22nd*.

Please take our survey using this link:

If you would like to provide a more in-depth interview over the phone, please call 919-533-9202 or email 

Thank you for your time and consideration of this important topic.