Why does Pittsboro allow Delgado’s Auto to using public parking spaces to park his rental trucks

Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2018 14:56:58 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: algums63079
Subject: Flea Market Parking Spaces On Toomer Loop Pittsboro

Delgato Auto Sales in PittsboroNearly two weeks I voiced concerns about Dale Delgado’s Used Auto business using public parking spaces on Toomer Loop for parking huge rental trucks- thus expanding his business out onto city property. Seems the Town of Pittsboro and Pittsboro Police O.K. this and have done nothing to stop it. Even tho, parking those large trucks there are dangerous- Especially to older drivers. It blocks the view and makes driving there a scary experience.

So, if Dale Delgardo  can use the spaces for personal gain, so can other citizens. I am suggesting anyone interested set up a flea market in the other spaces.

Park your car in one space and set up your tables in the other space. No charge. Use as many spaces as you like. The Town of Pittsboro won’t care and neither with the Pittsboro Police dept. Citizens rights.
