Please help by collecting box tops

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 19:32:50 -0500
From: “M. Steen”
Subject: Please please help….

DID YOU KNOW THAT THOSE LITTLE BO TOPS THAT ARE ON GROCERIES AND OTHER ITEMS ARE WORTH 10 CENTS????   They add up and they DO help the schools. Pittsboro PTA has been trying hard to raise money through many different ways and this one could REALLY help out when the others don’t come through.  They raised over $900 the last time we collected and turned them in….  YES that little itty bitty Box Tops adds up.

It would be GREAT….  OUTSTANDING if YOU could help them collect enough to get another check worth over $900.  Pleaseeeee  I know you may thing I’m nuts…  but this is the most easiest way to help Pittsboro Elementary to raise $$$$$$$.

Wow….  the help I received the last time i asked for Box Tops, THANK YOU, to every one that helped!!!

Ok so now it’s time to save and collect again.  There is one more time this year Pittsboro Elementary can receive a check to help out the school and children.  Please please…. if you have been saving… continue.  I can meet you or give you my address to send them to me.

Please TRUST me that these Box Tops REALLY do help the schools.

?Participating Products:
