Maryphyllis doesn’t want people killing deer or resenting their right to life

Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2017 20:46:30 -0400
Subject: forests, deer, immigrants

In response to several posts this past week:
(1) No, there are not more forests in North Carolina now.  In actuality, there are less now than there were 3 or 4 decades ago.  Clear cutting has become the lazy “norm”.  Trees are being cut faster than forests can regenerate them.  As Marcia said, we need to be more cognizant of the impact our actions have on the climate and planet.  It’s time we take action to get the environment back on course so that it sustains us at least 7 generations into the future.
(2) Just because there were no deer in NC 50 years ago doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be any now.  We could say the same thing about immigrant humans moving into this state.  Many southerners said the same thing about Northern carpet-baggers moving into the south after the civil war. Many Native Americans said the same thing about Europeans moving onto this continent prior to the 1600’s.  People who don’t want to change have said the same thing about new ideas and new ways of being, moving into our consciousness.

Let’s accept the fact that migration and learning, from new beings interacting with us, are the norm for our planet.

Let’s not kill deer nor resent their right to life just because they too are plagued by ticks. As Marcia compassionately said, the poor deer are suffering too.

  • Maryphyllis