Profit and non-profit service providers can register for Chatham County Health Department provider list

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 12:39:49 -0400
From: George Greger-Holt
Subject: Re: Calling all mental health providers

Dear Chatlisters,

I have been told that something squirrelly happened to the 2-1-1 link.  It should be  In addition, the 2-1-1 list is only open to non-profits.

Both for profit and non-profit service providers can also register for the Chatham County Health Department provider list found at  Send information about your services to

George Greger-Holt
184 Nicks Bend West
Pittsboro, N. C.   27312

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

Dear Mental Health Provider,

The Chatham Child Well-Being Collaborative is encouragingall Chatham County human services for children, youth and adults to enterinformation in the United Way NC 2-1-1 data base.

NC 2-1-1 is an on-line resource searchable by type ofprogram, county, city or zip code and covers housing, food, healthcare, mental health and counseling services, utility payments, and more.  Information can be accessed through the internet at  or by contacting call specialists 24/7 by dialing 2-1-1.

To have your service included in the database, go to

Thanks for your help in creating a resource for Chatham County citizens for mental health services.

George Greger-Holt
Community Outreach Coordinator
Chatham Drug Free

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou