Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 13:42:46 -0400 From: “Lindsay Hickling” <> Subject: Senior Games Opening Ceremonies April 19 Senior Games Opening Ceremonies Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:30 am Eastern Chatham Senior Center (365 NC Hwy 87 N, Pittsboro) Join the Chatham County Council on Aging for our annual Senior GamesContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 17:17:46 +0000 From: Michael Barnes Subject: Re. Thunder like sounds with no clouds in the sky I wasn’t there, but it might have been tannerite, an explosive that can be legally sold because the components by themselves are not reactive, only when combined. As farContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 12:39:49 -0400 From: George Greger-Holt Subject: Re: Calling all mental health providers Dear Chatlisters, I have been told that something squirrelly happened to the 2-1-1 link.  It should be  In addition, the 2-1-1 list is only open to non-profits. Both for profit and non-profitContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 09:24:29 -0400 From: Carol Hay Subject: John Gunn and Valero Cooper Brothers is right across the road from Valero. They graciously allowed me to park my car there once several years ago. I asked, and they suggested the best place to park it out ofContinue Reading

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 08:21:55 -0400 From: Marcia E Herman-Giddens Subject: “Types of ticks” If you are wondering about “all the types of ticks” please visit our website,, and look at the slideshows on the human-biting ticks. NC has over 20 species of ticks, 5 of which will biteContinue Reading