Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 23:49:11 +0000 (UTC) From: Todd Adams Subject: Re: Chatham Chatlist #5782 I read the responses to Mr. Kish.   I don’t agree with labelling people, and the language used often comes to those who reject the existence of the Holocaust, something much more easy toContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 13:41:25 -0500 From: Gina Robertson Subject: Climate change It is not unreasonable to consider “scientific consensus” today to be something more reliable than what it was in 1543.   Also, I imagine there was more scientific doubt about the earth-centric scientific consensus at that timeContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 11:30:01 -0500 From: “Constance Keptic” Subject: Pat Cabe and Pascal’s Wager Fundamentally what Pat Cabe is saying is it doesn’t matter whether climate change is a real phenomenon or, if it is, whether human activity contributes to it. If we act as if both thoseContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 18:54:23 -0500 From:  Subject: This Week at Pittsboro Roadhouse Thu Feb 23 6:30pm Dinner Glenn Jones, Acoustic Fri Feb 24 8pm Stage Steve Hartsoe, Americana / Rock / Folk Rock Sat Feb 25 8pm Stage Junkyard Freddy Mon Feb 27 7pm Stage Greg GelbContinue Reading

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 09:27:36 -0500 From: Bruce Hively Subject: on perk testing… first let me say that I am not a geologist, hydrologist, or even a digger of holes. however, the way I understand the reasons for perk testing is to find the best possible soil composition andContinue Reading