Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2017 20:24:16 -0500
From: stinmar1
Subject: Im still here
I haven’t posted much since before the election . I don’t take kindly to direct threats against me or my family and trespassing by so called peaceful progressives . When I came home to a big Howard and Dasher sign nailed to my back porch I was done with Chatham County . This place just isn’t worth it to me anymore . Bob Marley once said “Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” I like many others who have already left Chatham and are in the process have decided the political environment and the way folks who don’t live in the north east corner of the county are ignored and walked all over that its just not worth it anymore . We are third class citizens of this county . I respect the man who came out about my water issues and the fact he will try to get an automatic flusher in but in reality I know it will never happen because of where I live . If I were in one of these fancy developments it would happen tomorrow but like the whole $8000 fire hydrant issue we were screwed on once the County gets your money if your not in the high rent district they forget you exist .
The one thing I haven’t given up on is people in general . I have always begged as Mr Ingram put it on here at Christmas to help others who have nothing to have something . I find no shame in that and I ask for help for people who fall through the cracks and desperately need help . Mr Ingram have you ever paid someones light bill during the winter or bought some groceries for a family in need ? Have you ever dropped off toys and Christmas gifts in the middle of the night so no one would know where it came from ? When a lady is about to loose her job because her cars alternator quit and she cant get to work you go out of your way to put a new one one and make the car run again so she can get to work ? There are Christmas Angels who have and this year I didn’t have to beg because several stepped up long before Christmas to ask who needed help . So many in fact there was no begging needed . My world was a mess with mamas fire , the wreck , unexpected expenses and my health as I set out to do what I always do at Christmas , find hope for those who have none. The greatest gift to me was others stepped up and did it all this year . Will I beg again? I suppose so if someone truly needs a voice to help them out .
I cant please everyone , I’m not going to try . I appreciate every person who responds to my post even the trolls . It helps ground me in many ways to reality . For every troll there are 100 good folks who understand where I am coming from . Gene once said with great wisdom if you don’t like a post , just scroll on down . I find that pure genius so Mr Ingram if you don’t like my post I suggest you listen to Gene’s wisdom and scroll on .
Goodnite Mark