Thank you from Chatham 4-H & EMG volunteers

Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 19:41:41 +0000
From: Ginger Cunningham
Subject: thank you from Chatham 4-H & EMG volunteers

Thank you!

On behalf of Chatham County Extension Master Gardeners and Chatham County 4-H, we extend our most sincere thanks to those in the community who generously donated to our butterfly school enrichment program.

Your donations will enable us to provide art supplies, seed growing kits, and National Geographic butterfly books to over 250 Chatham County 2nd grade students, greatly enhancing our classroom program implementation this spring.  As we continue to provide enriching educational opportunities to Chatham County youth, we are ever grateful for the support of our community – both monetarily and with the generous giving of your time as volunteers.  Our outreach efforts would not be possible without your kind support!

Learn more about the Chatham County 4-H Program – visit or contact Ginger Cunningham, Chatham County Ext. 4-H Agent, at<>

Become an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer! Volunteering training begins soon! To learn more, visit, or contact Charlotte Glen, Chatham County Extension Horticulture Agent, at<> or 919-542-8202

Chatham County 4-H is a proud participating United Way agency.

Ginger M. Cunningham
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development
NC Cooperative Extension, Chatham County Center
North Carolina State University
1192 US Hwy 64W Business
Suite 400
Pittsboro, NC  27312
Phone: (919) 542-8202
Fax: (919) 542-8246

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