Interested in helping to set up a Community Lunch in Siler City? Meetup on Jan. 18

Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 06:19:06 -0500
From: Gwen Overturf
Subject: Community Lunch in Siler City

To our Western Chatham Community;

For years I have participated, as has my friend, Wilma Schroeder, in the Community Lunch offered to the community of Pittsboro by St. Bartholomew’s Church in Pittsboro.  Every Thursday all who desire the company of others and a tasty, nutritious lunch gather at St. Bart’s to break bread together.  No one is turned away. Those who can are asked to donate and those who cannot donate eat free.

I try to make this weekly event at every opportunity.  To gather with this diverse community, meet new people, visit with friends and enjoy good, home cooked food prepared by a volunteer chef is a total delight.  I leave feeling connected and fulfilled by this warm, friendly gathering.

For some time now, Wilma and I have been envisioning something along the same lines for our Siler City Community.  We are ready to  share this vision with others in our community to see what kind of energy is out there for pursuing this dream.

If this is a fit for you, please join us to share ideas and your visions at Courtyard Coffee and Soda Cafe at 5:30, Wednesday, January 18.

If you’d like to participate and cannot attend or if you have any questions, contact Gwen at or 919.930.1655 or Wilma Schroeder at 415.509.1652 or

Wilma and I look forward to seeing you there on the 18th.