Chatham parks and Local Business On Monday, July 25, 2016 3:32 PM, Gary Nunn <> wrote: Just curious if anyone owning a business in Chatham County has been contacted about doing work for any part of Chatham Parks. I have been in contact with Preston Development and they have addedContinue Reading

Kudos to AllCleanNC On Monday, July 25, 2016 2:53 PM, David Poe wrote: John at AllCleanNC just cleaned the vinyl, windows and skylights on our 15-year old two-story home. Some items, like the skylights, had never been cleaned. He also cleaned and stained our deck. John has all the toolsContinue Reading

That Old Quilt On Monday, July 25, 2016 1:04 PM, N.A. Booko  wrote: It has been mine since 1989- that old quilt on my bed . . . A dazzling ‘dinner plate’ or ‘flower garden’ pattern has for years been a welcomed site for my tired eyes and body. ItsContinue Reading